Loneliness as harmful as no exercise to teenagers’ health
Research finds being lonely is harmful to teenagers' health Source: Loneliness as harmful as no exercise to teenagers' health
Research finds being lonely is harmful to teenagers' health Source: Loneliness as harmful as no exercise to teenagers' health
Turmeric is a yellow dietary spice extracted from the rhizome of a plant in the ginger family named Curcuma longa. Turmeric has some well-known beneficial properties and it has been widely used for medicinal purpose for centuries, mostly in Asian [...]
Valuing happiness is not only linked with putting your own mental and physical health at risk; our collective high hopes for happiness may prey upon those experiencing tougher emotional times. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. [...]
While many argue that digital technologies have impacted communication and productivity positively, for others this is debatable. More communication is not necessarily better communication or better productivity. Source: Do You Suffer From Techno-Stress? | Brain Blogger
A series of both research and opinion-based articles are suggesting that we may have been focussing on the wrong thing all along. Research into the placebo effect and spontaneous recovery from depression, and indeed other mental health problems, may be [...]
What is memory? The past few years have seen an explosion in our understanding of the answer to that seemingly simple question. Source: The more we learn about memory, the weirder it gets | ExtremeTech
As emotions go, happiness usually hides in plain sight: seen in a broad smile, heard in a raucous laugh, felt in a big hug.But new research suggests there may be a less obvious way to pick up on another person's [...]
Researchers suggest just 15 minutes of mindfulness meditation may impair the ability to correctly distinguish between the recall of real and imagined experiences. Source: Mindfulness meditation linked to false memory recall
You might expect that neighboring neurons would be closely related to one another, or that entire regions would arise from the same ancestral cells. But that’s not the case. Christopher Walsh from Boston Children's Hospital has now shown that in [...]
Gun violence has killed 428 times more Americans over the past decade than terrorism. Source: This chart shows the enormous difference between gun deaths and terrorism deaths in the US