Power of positive thinking skews mindfulness studies
Trials of mindfulness to improve mental health selectively report positive results.Source: Power of positive thinking skews mindfulness studies : Nature News & Comment
Trials of mindfulness to improve mental health selectively report positive results.Source: Power of positive thinking skews mindfulness studies : Nature News & Comment
It's legal to climb Uluru - thousands of tourists do it each year - but it's against the wishes of the local indigenous people.Source: Why tourists are still climbing Uluru
It turns out there is such a thing as human intuition - and it can be tested scientifically.Source: This puppy could change your thinking
It’s one reason why placebos are so effective in these conditions: our bodies learn the appropriate physiological response to pills we take and will subsequently repeat it, for example releasing pain-killing endorphins, even if a pill contains no active drug.Source: [...]
Many Buddhists are critical of the use of mindfulness for purposes which are very different from the radical shift in perception they aim for — the realisation of “emptiness” and liberation from all attachments. Instead, as Giles Coren recently claimed, [...]
Suddenly mindfulness meditation has become mainstream, making its way into schools, corporations, prisons, and government agencies including the U.S. military. Millions of people are receiving tangible benefits from their mindfulness practice: less stress, better concentration, perhaps a little more empathy. [...]
Parents should be on the lookout for signs of depression getting worse, whether their child is at home or away at school or work, so they can intervene, if necessary. “It’s unique for every person, and different things can be [...]
Expectations shape our experience of the world.Source: Is this the cause of most people's unhappiness?
Ten-year-olds are at the top of their game, it's the time in their lives they are most likely to feel happy, confident and ready to take on the world. But by age 15, that resilience has plummeted. So what happens [...]
The full story about why procrastinators routinely ruin their own lives.Source: Why Procrastinators Procrastinate - Wait But Why